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Pinch me, we’re Prime!

Amazon is my go-to for everything. I literally go to a store to buy something less than once every couple of months. Maybe this is because I don’t have much time to go shopping, and Amazon (and Alexa!) make my life much more efficient, not to mention convenient. Maybe this is because there are a handful of distribution centers within a five mile radius of my house, making almost anything available within an hour to maybe 24 hours. I do however like to support small businesses when I can…  particularly I like supporting local dive shops. Hence, this business!

All of that being said, I am proud to say that I am now an Amazon Seller. When I woke up to an email saying my inventory had arrived and was now available for sale, and then clicked through to see the Prime logo next to the CDL Standard Dive Log, I beamed with joy and pride. Being on Amazon will help increase visibility (eventually, because I have to figure out how to get my book to show up in the search), and I am going to learn a lot about selling through the Fulfillment by Amazon program. I’m very excited about that!